Programmatic Advertising
Buyer Talent Engine offers a flexible job posting solution that leverages a performance-based media buying model without committing to long-term media contracts. It allows for greater efficiency managing job advertising budgets while increasing candidate pipeline activity for critical and high-volume jobs.
Eliminate Waste, Drive Better Candidate Flow and Improve ROI

Media publisher traffic is funneled through Buyer Talent Engine, resulting in real-time tracking of applications per job. In doing so, we set application caps ensuring your budget is spent as effectively as possible.
Drive Candidates to the Jobs that Need More Applicants.
Automated ad placement
determines which jobs need
more exposure based on total
tracked applies -
Optimize the combination of
media and advertising budget
with real-time analytics to
increase ROI -
Non-contract performance based advertising tracks media performance down to the job level
Key Differentiators
- Technology combined with personal insight to optimize campaigns
- Customized reporting based on your schedule and data needs
- Pay-per-click and pay-per-applicant media buying available
- “Quick Apply” and track to “Quality” media buying available
- Continuous and impartial testing of new job boards and posting networks