Does Your Business Deliver Video Content to Attract Professionals?


image_16In order to recruit and retain the right professionals for your organization, you have to be up to date and familiar with technology. Some of today’s most successful marketing trends involve the use of video content such as interviews with your current staff and a glimpse at the facilities and inner workings of your business. Studies have shown that people prefer to watch a video for information than read that same information in written formĀ [1]. When you are searching for the next candidate to fill a position at your organization, consider these video content marketing strategies:

Video Content for Attracting Professionals

One of the most useful types of video content to attract young professionals is gamified content. This includes virtual tours of your work environment and a competitive game in which candidates get to spend a day in the life of a manager or another type of staffer at your organization. To recruit the cream of the Generation X crop, gamification may still be successful, but include other video content that highlights the culture of your organization. Show employees having walking meetings, gathering in the break rooms or working in their flexible spaces.

Where to Showcase Your Video Content

In addition to what you include in your marketing and recruitment videos, the places where you post and link to them are also important. At the very least, your recruitment videos should be posted on your social media accounts and on your website as social recruitment is slated to be the biggest hiring trend for 2016. YouTube, for example, is currently the third most popular website in the world with over 800 million unique users visiting each month which makes it the perfect place to find a new audienceĀ [2].

If you work with any college or university alumni associations, ask that your video content be posted there as well. Professional associations are another place to link your video content for attracting tech-savvy professionals to your business. Recruitment websites are key locations to include your video content as well.

Retaining Your Great Hires

Once you have attracted and hired the professionals that your organization needs, your next task is to retain them. Recognize your successful staff by giving them verbal praise for a job well done. Consider showcasing their achievements in your next recruitment video. Marketing your successes shows potential hires that you maintain a rich and rewarding work environment.



Does Video Based Recruitment Really Work?


Videos have transformed the Internet almost as much as the Internet itself has transformed the sharing of information. Recent studies have shown that at least 85 percent of all Internet users watch videos every month. The majority of the people browsing websites would prefer videos over text; they like the simplicity, the rapid-fire information sharing, and the entertainment value.

All of this translates perfectly into recruiting. You could write the most compelling copy in the world, describing everything that your company has to offer, and most people simply would not read it. They would skim over it. Reading a entire page of information takes too long, and people have too many things to do to devote their time to something like that unless they have no other choice.

However, these same people will happily click on a three-minute video and watch the whole thing. This is why it is an effective recruiting tool – it opens the door to far more prospective employees. It throws a wide net that draws in top talent from all over the world.

A recruiting video also allows you to create a strong brand for your company. You can creatively use things like you logo, your color scheme, a slogan, a jingle, and much more. Text is far too simple to truly capture everything that fits into your brand, that gives your company its identity.

Finally, people are very quick to share videos. If they find them funny, interesting, or engaging, they will post them on social media sites and blogs. They will recommend them to their friends. A well-made video has the chance to get millions of views. With this type of exposure, you can really find the talent that you are searching for.

In the end, recruiting is too important to ignore the changes in the industry. You must have the best possible employees, and you need to get their attention in order to connect with them. A video is a sure way to attract a lot of attention, to build up your brand and your company image, and to start recruiting high-caliber employees today.