How to Recruit, Hire, and Retain the Best of Generation Y

image_10Generation Y, also known as the Millennial generation, are people born between the years of 1982 and 2000. This generation of workers operates under a much different life plan and moral code than their predecessors, the Baby Boomers. They’re even different from Generation X, who are currently in their prime working years. These proven strategies will help you to effectively recruit, hire and retain the best of Generation Y.

Recruiting Generation Y to Your Organization

If there is anything Generation Y is known for, it is walking to the beat of their own drummers. To find the best and brightest of Generation Y, you may need to recruit outside the “ivory tower” and look to places such as community organizations, international volunteer programs and other places where members of this generation are spending time before and after their college years.

Hiring with Purpose

During the hiring process, prepare your human resources staff for an onslaught of questions from the applicants. They will want to know their purpose in your organization and how they will fit into the culture. You’ll need to offer clear-cut explanations for not just their specific job duties, but how their work will make an impact on the world around them.

Fostering Growth and Opportunities

Members of Generation Y are committed to lifelong learning and want to be challenged in what they do. Your organization can retain these highly motivated employees by offering continuing educational opportunities as well as work-related perks such as tuition reimbursement, on-site workshops and partnerships with community organizations who can benefit from their expertise while teaching them additional skills such as creative thinking and resourcefulness.

Offer Flexibility and Alternative Reward Systems

In order to be able to maintain their outside interests, volunteer activities and continuing education, members of Generation Y want a workplace that offers flexibility. Alternative work hours other than the typical 9 to 5 business hours are key to helping members of this generation stay with your organization. Telecommuting is another option to retain these tech-savvy staff members. Also consider alternative reward systems such as more vacation time rather than bonuses.


What Are the Best Practices for Achieving Workforce Diversity?

image_014Diversity in the workforce is a proactive undertaking that is much different from the legally binding requirements of affirmative action and equal employment opportunities. A diverse workforce takes into account much more than gender, race and ethnicity. These best practices will help your organization set and achieve reachable diversity goals.

Start at the Top

Just like a parent should set an example of desired behavior before expecting their children to follow, so should the leaders of your organization. A diverse management team shows that you’re committed to the cause from the bottom up and the top down. The top members of the organization should speak positively of diversity and communicate their commitment to this ideal situation. Be sure to include a business case for diversity that can be shared with your stakeholders and other interested parties.

Create Organizational Diversity Goals

Simply having the idea of “diversity” on the minds of hiring managers isn’t enough. The human resources staff, hiring managers, CEO and others must come together to create organizational goals around diversity. Perhaps this means adding a new manager with a different cultural background or considering the addition of staff with unusual experiences. Whatever the goals are, they need to be in writing and widely shared.

Enact Mentoring Programs

A work site mentoring program shows that you’re committed to helping diverse members of your staff achieve their personal and professional goals. Mentors can be within your organization or from partnerships you have within the community, such as at local colleges and universities. The mentoring program should include activities during the workday as well as optional events during evenings and weekends.

Recruit Widely and Broadly

While every organization has their favorite recruitment events and locations, expanding beyond these can help you achieve your goals for a more diverse workplace. Look to partnering with community organizations in your city as well as those in nearby small towns and villages where recruitment events are rare. Take your show on the road to satellite campuses of large universities. Consider recruiting from vocational schools and community colleges where appropriate.


Increase Brand Awareness and Your Recruitment Reach by Implementing Fresh Content

image_16When you need to increase awareness of your brand and bring in new, energetic staff members to your team, one way to do so is to implement fresh content across all of your media. Your website is the first place prospective candidates go to find out about you. Old, outdated content that is no longer relevant or that never changes from one day to the next is a sure way to turn off high-quality applicants. Consider implementing these four types of content to keep your recruitment and brand up to date.

Informative News
When you’re launching a new company-wide initiative, releasing a new product or making updates to an existing service, let your customers and potential employees know about it. Take care to not only release statistics but to create small sound bites of 88 words or less about what’s going on this week at your organization.

Actions speak louder than words, and today’s job seekers want to see what your company is up to. Uploading relevant videos to your website and social media pages helps applicants really get a feel for what your organization is doing. Videos should not be highly choreographed or edited but should provide a glimpse of the important goings-on at your headquarters and facilities.

Asking Questions
Another way to increase your brand awareness and keep recruits interested in your organization is to ask questions as a part of your overall content stream. Be welcoming to any and all responses, including those that might not be as positive as you would like. Even criticism helps to keep the conversation going. The more likes and followers, the more of your content that will be shown on your followers’ feeds.

Success Stories
Your customers and potential recruits love to hear success stories related to your brand and not just self-serving ones. Let your customers, current employees or former staff members who have retired or moved on tell others about their successes with you. Perhaps an episode of exceptional customer service or a fantastic mentoring program is just what your recruitment marketing needs to draw in the best of the applicants.


How Conducting a Behavior-Based Interview Can Help You Find the Right Candidate


How Conducting a Behavior-Based Interview Can Help You Find the Right Candidate

As the economy makes leaps and strides past recession, employers are ramping up their hiring processes in response to the surge in talent. In order to find the best candidates, many hiring managers are using behavior-based interviews. According to the U.S. Department of Veteran’s affairs, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior[1]. Consider three reasons why this interviewing process can help you find the right candidate for each of your available positions.

Identifying Essential Experience

Because what has happened in the past is highly likely to happen again, asking interviewees about their previous experiences in particular situations will help you get a grasp on how they can handle stress, deadlines and other pertinent situations. You might ask questions such as what an applicant did when other team members didn’t hold up their end of the deal on a project or how they handled an irate customer. This helps you get a feel for the applicant’s personality as well as his or her mastery of customer care and teamwork.

Capturing Skill Sets

Every job has essential skills that must be mastered in order to achieve and maintain success. To get a behavior-based idea of an applicant’s relevant skills, you could ask a question such as, “How did you increase conversions on your most recent online marketing campaign?” This type of question gives you inside perspective on a worker’s mastery of specific types of skills, their flexibility to change what isn’t working and swap it out for something else, and their willingness to work toward and achieve a goal that benefits the organization.

Meshing with the Corporate Culture

In addition to finding candidates with the right experience and skill set for the job, you’ll also want to make sure they will fit into your corporate culture. This is a fantastic time to ask hypothetical behavior-based questions, such as “What would you do if there were no supervisors in the office for an entire week, and none could be reached by electronic means?” These types of questions help you figure out who will be the most likely to succeed in your organization.
