How Healthier Employees Are More Productive and Efficient

image_25All employers want employees who are as productive and efficient as possible. Often, achieving those goals boils down to helping those employees obtain or maintain great health.

Regular Exercise Leads to Higher Job Performance

It is no secret that exercise is an important part of overall health and wellness. Employees who exercise regularly are doing their health a serious favor, and they are also likely to enjoy higher job performances overall. Employees who exercise for at least 30 minutes, three times a week, were 15 percent more likely to see an increase in job performance [1].

Happy Employees Can be 20 Percent More Productive

It is hard to be upbeat and happy if you’re struggling with your health. Conversely, healthy employees are far more likely to be happy. Why does happiness matter to employers concerned about their financial bottom line? Happiness can translate to increased productivity. Michal Addady, reporting for Fortune, wrote that through happiness, “Productivity increased by an average of 12 percent and reached as high as 20 percent above the control group. [2]

Unhealthy Employees Absent More Often

In the United States, employees take an average of eight sick days off per year [3]. However, that number is often higher for those with chronic health conditions. It is natural to see why unhealthy employees are absent more often. Conversely, employees who are in good health take fewer sick days, naturally increasing their overall productivity.

Clearly, healthier employees are more productive as well as more efficient. Businesses that increase resources for the mental and physical health of employees may see a significant reward with increased employee output.


