Making the Most of Your Media Plan During COVID-19


Employers all over the country are in a strange predicament—while the second wave of the coronavirus rages on, companies are continuing to prepare or resume operations. Candidates are needed, and depending on the industry, in significant amounts. In order to meet your hiring goals, consider the following when re-working your media strategy:

Post-COVID candidates are a different type of market.

In response to COVID-19, the “safer at home” mentality is instilled in many. A majority of the current workforce is at home, and those unemployed are staying in. Utilizing traditional out-of-home media spaces like billboards and commuter advertising is not going to be as effective because there’s just not as many people on the roads. With an increased amount of job seekers online, implementation of programmatic advertising can take your media dollars farther, especially if you’re resuming hiring efforts with a less than normal budget.

Right now, online efforts are meaningful.

In a global pandemic, health is top-of-mind. It’s important that candidates know you believe this too. Opting for virtual hiring events and interviewing is a great way to reach a wider candidate pool at a lower cost while showing candidates your company is in-touch with current events. In addition, you’ll maximize your reach by discovering and utilizing media channels you’d not typically consider.

Even during COVID, there are thousands of media options available today. It is important to partner with an agency that is able to successfully identify the most appropriate media at the best possible price. Buyer’s team zeros in on your target audience, minimizing waste and helping you track results. And in today’s digital world, our media planners are vigilant in evaluating the latest online options while never losing sight of the value of traditional media.

In times such as these, strategy is everything. Buyer is here to help. With over 53 years of recruitment advertising experience, we’re confident we’ll exceed your staffing expectations. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions.