Dos and Don’ts for Developing Multi-Generational Teams

Whether you are leading a team of 5 or 100, there is a good chance that the age range will span across several different generations. By 2014, the AARP estimates that 32 percent of the total American workplace will be older than 50 – up from just 27 percent in 2005 – but younger hires (especially those just graduating college) are still eager to begin working right away as well. The challenges of handling employees of different ages can be tricky, but these Do and Don’t tips can help.

Do: Set Ground Rules for the Workplace

One of the key ways to have an effective multi-generational team is to be clear and upfront about the rules or protocol in the workplace. Baby Boomers, for example, might be confused about why the dress code seems so casual; while millennial employees, alternatively, might find business practices done over the phone, rather than through email, as unusual. A company should establish protocol that includes dress code standards, working hours, penalties and/or rewards. If everyone is clear about the rules and guidelines, then no one will feel purposely excluded.

Don’t: Assume Anything About Your Team or Their Skills

While it’s important to know what your employees and new hires are capable of, don’t assume certain skills or traits belong to a particular individual, regardless of their age or generation they grew up in. This is especially true among Baby Boomers, which are the largest growing demographic within the workforce. Although a new manager might be incredibly effective, don’t assume that they can use Twitter to learn about workplace meetings. Be direct and straightforward, which can resolve issues much faster and with less room for error.

Do: Tailor Rewards to Your Audience

It is important to tailor rewards to your audience in order for them to remain effective. Bonuses geared towards a younger generation might not appeal to older generations. For example, offering a 25-year-old employee tickets to a social event as a reward for a job well done might go over well, but a 65-year-old employee might not appreciate the gesture.

Don’t: Separate Age Groups

According to a survey conducted by Lee Hecht Harrison, more than 60 percent of employees feel some kind of inter-generational conflict, much of which is encouraged by being separated, rather than working as a team. Many managers and recruiters believe that separating employees by generation will be easier in the long run, but that is typically a mistake. When you are able to create a multi-generational team that can function well together, you blend a range of attitudes and experiences that make an incredible asset for any company.

When done correctly, a multi-generational team is a great choice for any business. These Dos and Don’ts will make it easier to craft an effective all-ages team.
