Taking Down Trolls

It’s amazing how quickly simple concepts can transform into large headaches. Take social media, for example. You can sit down and create a plan of action that includes periodic updates and fan-gathering tactics, but once you become established, you’ll notice a bump in the road: trolls. Defined as those who attempt to disrupt communities with attention-grabbing antics, trolls pollute your social media space with distracting, vulgar, or otherwise unwanted messages. Here’s how to identify two types of trolls that are appearing on your company blog or Facebook page, and react appropriately.

The Spammer: You’ll find this troll both on blogs and Facebook alike, advertising (usually) completely unrelated product or services, often in broken English. They’re particularly rampant on blogs, where a single spammer can generate up to a 100 spam “comments” a day, clogging up your message approval process or turning customer correspondence into a nightmare. One solution: ban by IP. If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, you can block all messages from an IP, effectively silencing that troll forever.

The Malcontent: Whether it be through cursing or a personal attack against regulars to your site, there are trolls who are just out to ruin another person’s day. Instead of negotiating or refuting their claims, try this hair-saving technique: just delete their comments. Once malcontents realize you’re not a soft target and their comments are going missing, they’ll move on to more fertile grounds.

No matter your troll troubles, stay alert and realize that content management is an inextricable part of social media. But the results of a solid strategy are worth it: SEO, qualifiers of professionalism, and a tool to engage prospective clients. Don’t give up!

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