Why You Should Keep Up-to-Date on Social Media for Recruiting Needs

image_018People seeking employment are turning to corporate social media accounts to learn more about a business’s culture and environment. While traditional websites and career search boards can provide those searching for a job with nuts-and-bolts information, such as work hours and skill-set requirements, keeping up-to-date on social media allows jobseekers to gain a more complete picture of the corporation.

Cultivates Interest

Once jobseekers are certain that they meet the skill and academic credentials for a position, they next want to know whether their personality will fit well at a particular company. Current social media posts cultivate a candidate’s interest in becoming a part of the organization. By seeing that the company is up-to-date in industry trends and is building brand loyalty with its clients, candidates will be more eager to join such a company.

Engages Qualified Individuals

Today’s workers want more out of their work than just a paycheck. They want to be engaged and passionate about what they do, which is particularly true of the Millennial Generation. This generation is also the most likely to use social media to engage with potential employers.

Promotes a Team-oriented Environment

Active sourcing of job candidates through social media helps to promote the development and maintenance of a team-oriented work environment. Recruiters can show images and embed video clips of a variety of employees collaborating on projects. Social media is an efficient and effective way of showing potential staff members how current employees are working together to solve problems and showcase their talents.

Inspires a Creative Workforce

Social media is a newer way of communicating with people who are creative, highly educated and concerned about making a difference in the world. These candidates tend to think outside the box when solving problems and create a dynamic environment in which to work. Human resources staff who recruit candidates through social media are better able to promote the workplace as a creative community in which an employee’s time investment pays off through work that is satisfying personally, professionally and mentally.