Happy Holidays from Buyer Talent Solutions


This year we embraced a new normal that came with unprecedented challenges. It also forced us to re-think the way we live and conduct business. While much has changed, one thing has stayed constant —our commitment to you. Thank you for your business.

In support of the continued effort to combat COVID-19, Buyer is making a donation on behalf of our agency and clients to United Way, Feeding America and Direct Relief charities.

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Have a happy, healthy, and safe holiday season. We look forward to our continued partnership and a promising 2021.


All our best,

Buyer Talent Solutions

Making the Most of Your Media Plan During COVID-19


Employers all over the country are in a strange predicament—while the second wave of the coronavirus rages on, companies are continuing to prepare or resume operations. Candidates are needed, and depending on the industry, in significant amounts. In order to meet your hiring goals, consider the following when re-working your media strategy:

Post-COVID candidates are a different type of market.

In response to COVID-19, the “safer at home” mentality is instilled in many. A majority of the current workforce is at home, and those unemployed are staying in. Utilizing traditional out-of-home media spaces like billboards and commuter advertising is not going to be as effective because there’s just not as many people on the roads. With an increased amount of job seekers online, implementation of programmatic advertising can take your media dollars farther, especially if you’re resuming hiring efforts with a less than normal budget.

Right now, online efforts are meaningful.

In a global pandemic, health is top-of-mind. It’s important that candidates know you believe this too. Opting for virtual hiring events and interviewing is a great way to reach a wider candidate pool at a lower cost while showing candidates your company is in-touch with current events. In addition, you’ll maximize your reach by discovering and utilizing media channels you’d not typically consider.

Even during COVID, there are thousands of media options available today. It is important to partner with an agency that is able to successfully identify the most appropriate media at the best possible price. Buyer’s team zeros in on your target audience, minimizing waste and helping you track results. And in today’s digital world, our media planners are vigilant in evaluating the latest online options while never losing sight of the value of traditional media.

In times such as these, strategy is everything. Buyer is here to help. With over 53 years of recruitment advertising experience, we’re confident we’ll exceed your staffing expectations. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or info@BuyerAds.com to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions.

The Benefits of an Employee Referral Program


Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth. Employee Referral Programs have proven to be a beneficial recruitment method, no matter the scope of your hiring strategy.

For one, they streamline the hiring process. Referral programs tap into an exclusive talent source—your current employees. Rather than solely relying on traditional marketing efforts, employee referrals are a unique communication strategy that directly links candidates to your organization, establishing a common connection that separates you from industry competitors.

Employee Referral Programs test the strength of your Employer Brand. The individuals your employees refer are typically those they see as a good fit for the organization. A current employee’s view of your company culture is valuable feedback regarding Employer Brand perception and allows you to adjust or re-evaluate your branding efforts accordingly.

For optimal success, it’s all about the process. Referral programs have an important criterion crucial to identifying quality candidates—the candidate and referring employee relationship. Harvard Business Review conducted a study and found that while 70% of “better candidates” were received from referrals, the true quality of the candidate depended on how well they knew the referring employee. Your referral program should have participants clearly indicate their relationship with each other so you can properly screen and assess individual qualifications in order to make the best hiring decisions.

Buyer’s team has developed and executed many client Employee Referral Programs with great success. With 50+ years of recruitment experience, we’re ready to leverage our resources and industry knowledge to meet your hiring goals. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or info@BuyerAds.com to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions.

How To Execute a Post-COVID Employer Brand


We’ve discussed why establishing a time-sensitive Employer Brand is essential for meeting hiring goals. The next step, how does a company execute their new brand to bring the desired results?

First, find an authentic narrative. The coronavirus pandemic has affected the entire world, so don’t be afraid to express how your organization has/is dealing with it. Good or bad, challenges or achievements—working an open story into your EVP and Employer Brand builds trust with potential candidates that can strengthen their commitment to your organization.

Next, support your narrative with the right messaging. Rethink optics, visuals, and tone of voice—avoid grandiose appearances and focus on simplicity. Then, identify the types of content to best bring out your message. This could be blogs written by current employees, video diaries, podcasts, training content, etc. An increase in social media posts sharing new content will not only exhibit your brand’s affinity for current times but will keep you top-of-mind with candidates.

Updated Employer Brands have proven to help many organizations. Gartner reports organizations that effectively deliver on their EVP/Employer Brand can decrease annual employee turnover by 69%. In addition, creating a modified and inclusive Employer Brand reduces CPH and time to hire, increases applicant quality, and establishes a competitive and authentic employer brand identity.

A refresh can go a long way, and Buyer is here to help. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or info@BuyerAds.com to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions that deliver results no matter the budget.

Going Virtual: A Post-COVID Recruitment Strategy


The coronavirus pandemic has us making changes in almost every aspect of life—primarily pushing us to even greater use of virtual communication. The new normal has brought a change in the hiring processes of employers, and in the expectations of candidates.

First, virtual hiring events have become critical to successful recruitment campaigns. These events allow talent to apply, interview, and connect with recruiters face-to-face virtually. Virtual hiring events can significantly widen an organization’s candidate pool by removing geographical restrictions that come with hosting an event at a physical location. In addition, they allow organizations to potentially connect with candidates from different geographic markets for remote work opportunities. With most virtual event platforms, organizations can get their hiring manager involved, and conduct video interviews at the event, therefore expediting the hiring process. At Buyer Talent Solutions, our client partners have had great success leveraging the Indeed Virtual Interview Platform, Brazen, and Paradox Olivia’s Hiring Event Platform.

In addition, Virtual Hiring Assistants can allow candidates to express interest in your opportunities at any time, and if they meet your qualifications, be auto-scheduled for a phone interview with a recruiter. This powerful technology has proven to speed up time-to-fill while also reducing administrative tasks of recruiters. And, it ensures minimal drop-off by providing a quick way for candidates to engage with your organization.

There are several ways to implement a smart and time-sensitive recruitment strategy. Buyer Talent Solutions has a suite of services designed to deliver higher quality candidates for your organization faster and more efficiently, all while keeping the current state of the pandemic in mind. Buyer’s team is ready to leverage our resources and industry knowledge to meet your hiring goals. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or info@BuyerAds.com to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions.

The Importance of Diversity Hiring


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is invaluable to any organization and doesn’t go unnoticed by today’s job seekers. They look for it in your company’s core values, current employees, and everyday recruitment/business operations. Mac’s List reports that diverse companies out-perform non-diverse companies by 33%, with employees not afraid to make the necessary changes that best align with their values.

While diversity is what companies seek, inclusion is the actions taken to achieve it. There are several ways to kick-start diversity efforts. First, go to the root—your Employer Brand. Messaging should encourage community and show job seekers that you value unique persons and perspectives to further your company’s success.

Next, make sure your search efforts are diverse. Buyer offers a suite of services for diversity recruitment and our staff has decades of industry experience to take the guesswork out of media buying in order to find diverse audiences. Our accounts team as well as our Talent Engine hiring platform has access to a variety of job boards tailor-made for niche audiences.

Diversity can set your company up for success—and Buyer is here to help. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or info@BuyerAds.com to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions that deliver results no matter the budget.


Finding “Business as Usual”: Is Your Candidate Pipeline Ready?


As the country navigates the “new normal” of a post-COVID world, business sectors are opening up again. Having an established candidate pipeline will reduce the stress of ramping up hiring efforts and ensure that you have a pool of talent interested in your organization. Where should you start?

Start by defining who you need, and when you need them. Based on those talent areas and timeline, build a strategy to reach both passive and active job seekers. If you anticipate having several months before your first hires need to be made, then start your advertising with a focus on passive talent to increase brand awareness within your target demographic. As your timeline progresses, ensure that programmatic job advertising becomes part of the strategy to engage with active job seekers. These job seekers will be high converters but also eager to begin work right away.

Tap into your own talent! Consider boomerang campaigns to bring back former employees. And leverage your existing employees to implement a strong Employee Referral Program. Invite support from current employees to find candidates, and reward those employees for their help. Not only will you add qualified candidates that are a good cultural fit to your pipeline, but you’ll also build allegiance with your current employees.

Timing is everything—we can help you define your needs, and build a strategy to effectively create a talent pipeline to fuel your upcoming hiring needs. With over 53 years of supporting a diverse mix of organizations, we’re confident we’ll exceed your staffing expectations. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or info@BuyerAds.com to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions.

Buyer Named a Top 20 Recruitment Advertising Agency


Buyer is thrilled to announce we rank in the top 20 recruitment advertising agencies listed by Onig’s ‘The Magnet’ blog. To make this list, agency size, logo, location, and quality of website content was taken into account.

We are honored by this recognition and committed to upholding our position as your single source for talent acquisition strategy and technology solutions.

Buyer’s team is ready to leverage our resources and industry knowledge to meet your hiring goals. Contact us at 857-404-0864 or info@BuyerAds.com to learn more about our customized recruitment solutions.

To read the full article, please visit: https://blog-ongig-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/blog.ongig.com/recruitment-marketing/recruitment-advertising-agencies/amp/



How Healthier Employees Are More Productive and Efficient

image_25All employers want employees who are as productive and efficient as possible. Often, achieving those goals boils down to helping those employees obtain or maintain great health.

Regular Exercise Leads to Higher Job Performance

It is no secret that exercise is an important part of overall health and wellness. Employees who exercise regularly are doing their health a serious favor, and they are also likely to enjoy higher job performances overall. Employees who exercise for at least 30 minutes, three times a week, were 15 percent more likely to see an increase in job performance [1].

Happy Employees Can be 20 Percent More Productive

It is hard to be upbeat and happy if you’re struggling with your health. Conversely, healthy employees are far more likely to be happy. Why does happiness matter to employers concerned about their financial bottom line? Happiness can translate to increased productivity. Michal Addady, reporting for Fortune, wrote that through happiness, “Productivity increased by an average of 12 percent and reached as high as 20 percent above the control group. [2]

Unhealthy Employees Absent More Often

In the United States, employees take an average of eight sick days off per year [3]. However, that number is often higher for those with chronic health conditions. It is natural to see why unhealthy employees are absent more often. Conversely, employees who are in good health take fewer sick days, naturally increasing their overall productivity.

Clearly, healthier employees are more productive as well as more efficient. Businesses that increase resources for the mental and physical health of employees may see a significant reward with increased employee output.

[1] http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/3699-healthy-eating-worker-productivity.html

[2] http://fortune.com/2015/10/29/happy-productivity-work/

[3] https://www.cdc.gov/dhdsp/pubs/docs/presentation_508.pdf

Hiring Practices to Make Sure You Build Better Teams

Beyond the Individual: Hiring Practices for Building
Better Teamsimage_015

When a new employee comes into your organization, he or she will interact with a variety of current staff members. These daily interactions may be minimal for people who work on different projects, but employees who come together to do projects will need to get along so that work can be done efficiently and meet the goals of the project. Your hiring practices need to account for building better teams even as your staff is in flux.

What Makes a Good Team?
One consideration to keep in mind is that what works for one team may not work for another. Teams and projects are dynamic as are the people who are a part of them. When hiring individuals, consider the roles they might play on different teams within your organization. If you know that a new hire will spend 75 percent of his or her time working on a particular team, you will need to craft particular goals and ensure that personalities match during the hiring process, explains Kermit Burley, writing for the Houston Chronicle[1].

Team Players vs. Go-Getters
Team players understand that what they are doing is for the benefit of the entire organization. On the other hand, go-getters are more interested in how their efforts will pay off for themselves at some time in the future, according to Susan Heathfield’s article on About.com[2]. During the hiring process, human resources staff and managers must explain the expectations for team involvement and explain how there are benefits to both the individual and the organization to working as a part of a team. Setting clear expectations during the hiring process helps to get the newly hired staff on board with the plan.

Hiring the Right Members for Your Team
Another important part of hiring the right members for your team is making sure that employees understand the importance of teamwork in the context of the organization. Explain how the team’s project aligns with the organization’s mission, vision and goals. Explore with the candidate how his or her personal goals mesh with all of that. An employee who is committed to helping an organization be successful will be happier.


[1] http://smallbusiness.chron.com/build-strong-teamwork-20768.html

[2] http://humanresources.about.com/od/involvementteams/a/twelve_tip_team.htm