5 Benefits of Hiring Part-Time Employees

When it comes to choosing the right workforce, key concerns are hard costs, consumer demand and organizational structure. Part-time employees may be exactly what you need to help meet these demands. Although many companies gravitate towards full-time employees, hiring part-time employees can be quite advantageous.

With this in mind, here are five benefits of hiring part-time employees:

1. Cut Labor Costs

Hiring a part-time employee is very economical. Generally, these employees work for an hourly wage and can be scheduled based on the needs of the business. If your company needs more hands on deck during the holidays or a slimmer workforce during the summer, part-time employees may be exactly what you are looking for. Also, most part-time employees often do not receive benefits. This can result in significant cost savings.

2. Boost Employee Morale

Part-time employees allow you to boost morale by giving full-time employees a break. When employees are asked to work long hours with very little time off, morale can take a beating. By using part-time employees to fill gaps in the schedule, you can reduce the number of hours that full-time employees have to work. This will also save costs by reducing the amount of overtime wages.

3. Flexibility

Unlike full-time employees, part-time workers do not have to be scheduled for a set amount of hours. Many businesses find it useful to use part-time employees to fill shifts that are not covered by regular full-time employees. This may include night or weekend shifts. The ability to schedule these employees on an as-needed basis allows managers to maintain productivity levels without paying unnecessary wages.

4. Less Burnout

The burnout rate among part-time employees is very low. Since they work fewer hours, part-time employees are often refreshed and enthusiastic about the work they do.

5. Higher Quality Work

Another perk of hiring part-time employees is that they can be trained to specialize in a specific task. This allows them to produce higher quality work than employees that frequently have to rotate positions. This can be especially useful in administrative or manufacturing roles.

Part-time employees can be an asset to any company. This flexible type of employee allows businesses to maintain productivity while tightly managing labor costs. Part-time employees may be exactly what your business needs to maintain a unique, diversified workforce.

What to Look For When Conducting a Video Interview

Over the past decade, the rise of video interviews has been impressive. Starting first with technology companies, video conferencing is now a common way for businesses to interview potential candidates. In fact, one survey from 2012 reports that 63 percent of companies use Internet-based video conferencing technology for the interview process[i]. In many ways, conducting a video interview is similar to a face-to-face meeting, thanks in large part to the rapid rate of technological improvements. However, there are some key differences. Here are the top things to look for when conducting a video interview:

Eye Contact

When using Skype technology to conduct an interview over the Internet, interviewees often make the mistake of looking at their own face on the screen rather than looking directly into the camera. While this can sometimes be attributed to using new technology, those individuals who maintain eye contact are typically those who are self-assured and confident. Those interviewees looking at their own picture may be nervous or uncomfortable about the interviewing process. Just as you would take eye contact in a traditional interview to be a strength, you should consider eye contact through the camera in a video interview.

Professional Appearance

Since video interviews typically only show the top half of a person’s body, some interviewees are only dressing professionally from the waist up. While the odds of you seeing their jeans or sweatpants on screen are slim, take note of their surroundings. Are the walls bare and the desk clean? Both the potential candidate and their workspace should come across as clean, professional and mature.

Predetermined Answers

Having great answers to all of your questions is an advantageous thing, but interviewers should be sure that potential job candidates are not simply reading predetermined or scripted answers. Preparing for an interview shows focus and organizational skills, but simply reading from a card can be seen as negative. Ask some unusual or completely unexpected questions to determine their ad lib communication skills.

With the cost of flying a candidate to a job interview being so high, an increasing number of companies are turning to online video conferencing interviews.

[i] http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/survey-six-in-10-companies-conduct-video-job-interviews-167973406.html

How Have Virtual Staffing Platforms Changed the Recruitment Process?

Technology has revolutionized the recruiting process. The days when newsprint ads were a primary component of the hiring process are long gone. Now, with technology changing by the nanosecond, virtual staffing platforms have taken center stage.

Virtual staffing platforms have positively changed the recruiting process in a variety of ways. Here are just a few of the benefits that it has brought to the table:

More Diversity

In the past few decades, diversity has been a hot topic in the recruiting industry. As companies begin to place an increasingly large emphasis on maintaining a diverse workforce, recruiters are challenged to find candidates that are not only talented, but also diverse. Virtual staffing platforms offer a solution to this problem by giving recruiters access to more candidates. As an example, positing a company vacancy online will likely yield a more diverse candidate pool than a classified ad in a newspaper.

Cost Effectiveness

Another benefit of virtual staffing platforms is that they help cut hiring costs. For instance, many recruiting portals now utilize some form of data mining software. This allows recruiters to save time by quickly identifying applicants with the most relevant skills. Also, video chatting software reduces travel expenses and minimizes the time constraints associated with scheduling an interview.

Larger Talent Pool

Virtual staffing platforms eliminate geographical boundaries. With just one click, you can connect with the brightest minds from across the globe. Before the virtual staffing platforms became integrated into the recruiting process, recruiters were often limited to the talent within their geographical area. Now, as the recruiting process is more virtual than ever, this is no longer the case.

When it comes to the recruiting process, virtual staffing platforms have changed it for the better. Recruiters now have access to a broader, more diverse talent pool without the added time and expenditures of manual recruiting. As technology continues to advance, the recruiting process will surely continue to take positive strides.

What Do Potential Hires Prefer: Higher Salaries or Flexible Schedules?

When a company prepares to offer a job to a potential hire, many different attributes compose the employment package offered. This employment package is meant to entice a candidate to accept the job, and it should include the benefits that a company can reasonably offer and that a potential employee would find integral to their career and life. Among the things a job applicant will look for within an employment offer are job and company stability, alignment of the offered position with their career interests, the company and office culture, and, of course, salary and benefits.

Salary is often thought to be the most important component of a job offer, but the reality is more complicated. While an applicant will look for a dollar amount that is commensurate with the industry and their experience and expertise, they’ll also be looking for a broad range of benefits to cover the needs of themselves and their family as well as opportunities to promote work/life balance. In the modern workplace, this has led to an increasing number of organizations offering flexible scheduling and work arrangements.

While the amount of money that goes into their bank account each payday is vitally important to job candidates, many are willing to accept a reasonably lower salary in exchange for the ability to work more flexibly. This may include working from home, working better hours or arranging work schedules to suit outside interests such as family, school or community involvement.

What this means to a company hiring to fill vacancies is that while an attractive salary will net suitable candidates, a balanced package that includes flexibility can enable the engagement of employees who might otherwise look elsewhere. Many job-seekers currently looking for new opportunities prefer the opportunity to align their work and personal interests over simply earning the highest salary. When bundled with additional benefits and when in alignment with the candidate’s expectations of work culture and future stability, a company can pull in better employees who will be engaged in their work and committed to the organization’s overall goals, aims and vision.

3 Ways to Speed Up the Hiring Process Without Sacrificing Quality

In the hiring world, there is a common misconception that a long hiring process is the best way to search for talent. In reality, finding and hiring talent is a business decision as much as it is a people one. From the business standpoint, you need to get the position filled quickly. A quicker hiring process lowers the overall cost per hire. Here are three ways that you can find talent quickly, without sacrificing quality:

1. Look Internally

Before you draft a job description and begin your search for the perfect hire, post the job internally. There could be an employee with the exact qualities you are looking for right under your nose. Although hiring internally may still leave a position to be filled, hiring a clerical or general production laborer is much less time-consuming than searching for the experience and knowledge it takes to fill a higher-level position.

2. Amp Up Your Job Descriptions

A job description is your chance to convey this to prospective employees. Be descriptive – instead of simply listing job duties, try providing a brief description of the company, its benefits and why individuals would want to work there. When it comes to outlining the requirements of the job, be as specific as possible to narrow your search.

3. Flexible Interviewing

Whenever you are searching for a specific type of employee, always assume that other companies want them too. In order to be competitive, you may want to offer flexible scheduling options. In a world dominated by smartphones, tablets and laptop computers, you are no longer limited to in-person interviews. Video chatting platforms allow you to conduct an equally thorough interview without the hassle of coordinating schedules. This gives you the flexibility to schedule the interview virtually any time.

When it comes to hiring, speed is not necessarily indicative of quality. The secrets to filling a position quickly are modifying your strategy and being flexible. Doing this will enable you to find a quality candidate in no time.

The Importance of Creative Job Titles and Killer Copy

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job numbers edged up in July. Nonfarm payroll employers (goods, construction and manufacturing companies) added 162,000 jobs, which sent the unemployment rate down to 7.4 percent. Increased employment means a tighter job market, so many employers will have to work harder to find applicants. For human resources professionals looking to attract the best qualified and sharpest candidates to hire, this tighter job market calls for marketing creativity.

Bells and whistles – such as videos on your company website, or exhibits at job fairs – are acceptable ways to attract candidates, but there is a more effective way to target the hottest properties in the candidate pool. Here, the importance of creative job titles and killer copy in your marketing materials cannot be overstated.

Creative Job Titles

To catch the interest of the best candidates, creative job titles are essential. Forbes magazine recently published an article exploring this topic, and discovered that attention-getting marketing job titles expected to become more common over the next 10 years. These included Transcultural Anthropologist, Truth Engineer and Mobile Marketing Jedi. These examples might sound silly, but once the eye of a possible applicant is caught, however, the creative job title has set up killer copy.

Killer Copy

The most important concept to remember about the relationship between an employment ad’s title and its copy is that they must be integrated. If you catch the eye with Sales Terminator, but follow with a generic paragraph unrelated to the creative title, you’re likely to lose the prospect’s interest. Adding creative copy to supplement the title shows cohesiveness, and a dedication to detail that will impress the cream of the applicant crop.
For example, it’s much better to follow up on the title Sales Terminator with copy that starts like this:

“Our team of rebels is working to secure the future of a great [furniture, tile, medical equipment, etc.] company. We’re looking for a sales machine who can target opportunities with laser focus and convert prospects into customers …”
Of course, your copy will vary, but the key is to integrate your clever job title with relevant copy. This will help keep an applicant’s interest high all the way through the interview process.

Every Interview Counts: Making a Good Impression Through Recruitment

Although most people think of an interview as a chance for potential candidates to impress hiring managers, the reality is that many interviews are actually a chance for high-quality candidates to find out whether or not a particular job appeals to them. Recruiters, hiring managers and employers need to work just as hard in order to make a great impression and recruit the best possible talent. Here are some key ways to make any interview work to your advantage.

Be as Specific About Job Duties as Possible

One of the reasons that top candidates decide against a specific position is because they don’t know what to expect. Jumping into a vague career is far more risky than one where the tasks are clearly outlined. If possible, have specifics written down or memorized, so that interviewees can better understand what their job might be like if they were to accept a position at your company.

Have Flexibility When it Comes to Benefits and Schedules

Surprisingly, many employees actually rank flexibility as more important than salary when it comes to accepting employment. Make sure that you are able to offer some kind of flexibility, and be open about it during the interviews. Parents of young children, for example, might appreciate coming in early and leaving early on certain weekdays. Other employees alternatively might prefer the option of working from home on two days each week.

Do Your Homework on the Candidate

Hiring managers would be disappointed in an interviewee who didn’t know anything about their company, but all too many know little about their candidate. Do your research prior to an interview and be able to mention specifics about the person’s job history. This will show that you are genuinely interested in them and appreciate their accomplishments.

Follow Up Immediately

After the interview ends, make sure that you make some kind of follow-up contact within 24 hours. It could be a quick call thanking them for coming in, or it could be a friendly email saying the same.

Recruiting top talent is one of the challenges of a successful business. These tips can ensure that candidates who interview with you leave feeling impressed and interested.

The Use of Social Media and Infographics by HR Recruiters

Infographics (information graphics), by definition, are graphic visual representations of information, or data intended to present complex information quickly and clearly to an audience. The use of infographic productions by human resources professionals to interact with job applicants is a growing trend. Relying on social media sensations like LinkedIn, YouTube, FaceBook and Twitter to identify top-notch recruits is proving to be a cost effective means of showcasing an organization.

Modern infographics combine multiple technologies and media formats to communicate a diverse array of information in a clear and concise manner. From simple drawings to sophisticated three dimensional images, interactive infographic presentations allow job applicants to easily explore the diverse aspects of a potential employer. Infographic designers blend art, music, video, motion and animation to tell the story of a complex company. Job applicants can take control by clicking links to unveil graphics, maps, charts, tours and informative discussions.

Social Media Recruiting

Human resources professionals are turning to social media to find highly qualified job candidates. The use of social media sites has increased dramatically in recent years. Recruiting software developer, Hire Rabbit, reports that 92 percent of U.S. companies used social media to recruit job candidates in 2012. At least 70 percent of these companies hired one or more employees with the assistance of social media.

Nearly 40 percent of all job applicants are active Twitter users. As many as 225 million social media users from over 200 nations now access LinkedIn’s network of career professionals. FaceBook has become an advertising and recruiting superstar. Recruiting videos allow companies to build their brand and attract job seekers from around the world. Traditional recruiting techniques involve a painstaking geographic search for talented job applicants. Social media presentations serve as a digital recruiting magnet, saving time and money.

Infographic presentations are visually appealing and entertaining. Recruiting videos possess the power to efficiently communicate an organization’s purpose and culture. Job listings that are accompanied by a video presentation receive significantly more visits than standard job listings. Infographic profiles become even more effective when they are properly tagged to attract focused digital traffic.

Showing a job candidate what it’s like to work for a top tier company is an extremely powerful recruiting strategy. Not only is it vital that HR departments employ social media to recruit talented employees, the use of social media is the new frontier of an increasingly competitive global economy. Social media has become an indispensable recruiting tool for successful HR professionals.

Does Video Based Recruitment Really Work?

Videos have transformed the Internet almost as much as the Internet itself has transformed the sharing of information. Recent studies have shown that at least 85 percent of all Internet users watch videos every month. The majority of the people browsing websites would prefer videos over text; they like the simplicity, the rapid-fire information sharing, and the entertainment value.

All of this translates perfectly into recruiting. You could write the most compelling copy in the world, describing everything that your company has to offer, and most people simply would not read it. They would skim over it. Reading a entire page of information takes too long, and people have too many things to do to devote their time to something like that unless they have no other choice.

However, these same people will happily click on a three-minute video and watch the whole thing. This is why it is an effective recruiting tool – it opens the door to far more prospective employees. It throws a wide net that draws in top talent from all over the world.

A recruiting video also allows you to create a strong brand for your company. You can creatively use things like you logo, your color scheme, a slogan, a jingle, and much more. Text is far too simple to truly capture everything that fits into your brand, that gives your company its identity.

Finally, people are very quick to share videos. If they find them funny, interesting, or engaging, they will post them on social media sites and blogs. They will recommend them to their friends. A well-made video has the chance to get millions of views. With this type of exposure, you can really find the talent that you are searching for.

In the end, recruiting is too important to ignore the changes in the industry. You must have the best possible employees, and you need to get their attention in order to connect with them. A video is a sure way to attract a lot of attention, to build up your brand and your company image, and to start recruiting high-caliber employees today.

Making the Right Hire

Any recruiter knows that hiring the right person can be difficult, and hiring the wrong person can be costly. From re-investing time in reviewing resumes and conducting interviews, to spending more money on advertisements, plus the cost of training, having to re-hire for a position that was inadequately filled, can be a huge burden on an organization. An article posted on Smart Planet notes that 69% of employers admit to having suffered from bad hires over the past year. 41% of these companies estimated the cost of the bad hire to be over $25,000.

Adverse affects of bad hires include lack of productivity, increased costs for recruiting, fewer sales, legal issues, a negative impact on the morale of employees as well as a negative impact on clients.

So how do you avoid bad hires? Some employers note the importance of not rushing the process, while others express how essential it is to check references. In some instances, a decreased workforce of recruiters leads to a problematic system of hiring. In this instance, you may need to get creative with how you evaluate potential candidates and ensure that the right hire is made. Check out this video which features Heineken’s unique hiring initiative that netted a successful hire:
