Effective Blogging Strategies for Recruitment

image_010Locating and then recruiting the right staff members is a challenge for any organization. As job candidates increasingly look to blogs, online postings and social media to search for jobs, one way that Human Resources personnel can recruit the top tier of applicants is by taking to the blogs themselves and enticing the best candidates to apply for openings within the organization. These top four blogging strategies for recruitment are effective and efficient at getting the most desirable person into the job.

Infuse the Blog with Personality

Even corporate blogs should be infused with personality that is in line with the operations of the organization. The tone of the blog should allow readers and future applicants to get a feel for the culture of the organization. A light touch of humor can go a long way in helping applicants feel welcome to the company.

Vary the Posting Types

Readers of a business blog do not want to read the same material over and over again. Vary the type of posts to maintain reader interest. Consider various post options such as tips for applicants, hints about what is going on in the industry and success stories of people working in the company. Interviews with current staff members and list-type posts also help to recruit top-notch candidates.

Make a Point in Every Post

Give applicants a reason to come back and join the corporation. Every post should have a point. Making each recruitment posting worthwhile helps applicants understand that their time is respected and that future events at the company, such as staff meetings, will be productive and worthwhile. Blog posts should not be too wordy or too vague.

Share Industry Insights

Keep it interesting by sharing industry insights that show why the business is top in its field. Infographics are an up-to-date means of sharing information in a way that is eye-catching and easy to understand. Embedded videos are another way to share insights while maintaining the applicant’s interest in being recruited to the organization.


Best Practices for Engaging Top Talent in Interviews

image_015A prospective employee’s interview is part of the hiring process continuum rather than an isolated stage. Top talent engagement begins before the formal interview and continues while they remain in the pipeline, during training and throughout their career with your company.

Engagement Based on Employment Brand

Your organization’s employment brand derives directly from the company’s shared vision of the future. The brand image must be comprehensive and present themes tailored to your hiring demographics.

Each organization’s brand is unique, but encompasses basic values:

  • Open communication and information sharing
  • Support for learning and growth
  • Meaningful work goals
  • Regard for work/life balance
  • Generous compensation for great work

These and a shared sense of mission towards personal, department and company-wide goals are the basis for recruit engagement.

Prior to the Interview: Consistent Branding

Smart companies will have developed suites of videos communicating their organizational values and showing off their “best place to work” attributes. Videos reinforce brand image after an interview and are easily shared via social media.

During the Interview

Despite a consistent brand image, a top candidate may remain skeptical about whether the organization means what it says. Prepare for their doubts about how their career goals align with those of the company. Listen carefully and address these with relevant, concrete examples. If possible, enlist a member of the team with the requisition to address their questions.

Post-Interview Engagement

Especially if your candidate was identified with the help of social media, utilize that media after the interview to maintain engagement. Sharing relevant media or comments shows interest as long as it is tasteful and non-intrusive. Regular contact lets the candidate know there is ongoing interest, and he or she will greatly appreciate the attention to any further questions they have.

Benefits to Interview Engagement

Candidates who feel that a company has a place for them and listens to their concerns and ideas are far more likely to accept an offer and subsequently grow to be high performers. They also have potential to become one of your organization’s greatest proponents of the company culture to other recruits.

Why You Should Not Neglect Applicant Tracking Systems

image_016While some estimates are higher, a conservative estimate of the percentage of companies using Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) is 75 percent of large organizations and 60 percent of mid-sized companies [1]. Unfortunately, you could be missing out on some qualified candidates if your system appears to be out-of-date. Statistics show that 40 percent of mobile candidates will forgo the application process if the ATS is not mobile-friendly [2].

Job Order Tracking is an Important Part of Applicant Tracking

A job order tracking feature acts as a central repository for recruiters, allowing them to quickly identify and share open jobs on social media or job boards. Most applicant tracking systems can produce job order reports of successful placements, source of hire, time to fill, and diversity. Weekly monitoring can provide valuable metrics to help identify recruiting efficiencies as well as weaknesses.

Managing All Those Applicants

With the average number of applicants per job opening at 250, your recruiters can’t afford to review and contact all that would come up in a search. With an ATS, you can thin the qualified candidate pool by as much as 75 percent, allowing your recruiters to focus their time on those with genuine potential [3].

Successful recruiters understand the value of networking with a core group of professionals who were qualified applicants that for one reason or another didn’t get the job. Checking in with that group can sometimes produce an equally qualified referral. Most ATS’s allow recruiters to create personalized groups to easily access these valuable but often overlooked contacts.

Time is Money

Taking full advantage of an ATS streamlines the process around applicant comparisons, makes it easy to match candidates to open positions, and keeps your candidate pipeline flowing. The time-savings that come from a robustly used ATS can be proven through the many reporting tools available and can even justify ROI if your Human Resources department is thinking of upgrading.

Bottom Line

An ATS can positively affect your bottom line by reducing your hiring time, improving the quality of new hires and easing the recruiter’s workload. With the reporting tools available with your ATS, your can measure the results for yourself.


[1] http://recruitingdaily.com/applicant-tracking-system-selection/

[2] http://www.slideshare.net/cbforemployers/upward-mobility-careerbuilder

[3] http://recruiterbox.com/blog/18-things-you-dont-know-about-applicant-tracking-systems/


Google Searches: Ensuring Your Presence on the Most Common Job Hunt Tool

image_08Job seekers have a multitude of online tools for sniffing out new opportunities such as SimplyHired, Monster and HotJobs. Their preferred job search tool, however, is often Google. With Google, job seekers can find specific positions not listed on common job boards and perform their own research on the companies as well.

It is vital for your recruiting efforts that your job openings rank high on Google search results. If your openings are not on the first two or three pages of results, candidates are probably not seeing them.

Optimizing Job Advertisements

Search Engine Optimization is essential for top search rankings. Many books have been written about SEO, but a few basic techniques can push your job adverts toward qualified candidates.

Keywords That Perform

Settle on two or three descriptive keywords for a particular opening. Use these keywords in the job title. Keep it short, neutral and general. For instance, instead of “Level 3 Product Design Technology Marketing Specialist,” “Senior Design Consultant” will do.

Use Google Adwords to test your keywords. The results reveal how many people use your keywords. Alternatives are provided that may perform better. Use the main keywords once or twice in the job description. Add in a couple of the viable keyword alternatives. Apply the same rules above for one or two key job skills required for the opening.

Meaningful Content

Pertinent content value is measured by Google in various ways:

  • Relevant headings and layout in the description
  • Natural use of keywords or keyword phrases in text
  • Linked anchor text that is descriptive
  • Relevant but sparing use of outgoing links
  • Quality inbound links
  • Images with brief, descriptive alt tags

Outgoing links to relevant company content should also be SEO friendly. Links from an active company blog are examples of strong inbound links.

Leverage the Employer Brand

Job seekers are particularly discerning consumers. They not only search for the right position but for the right company culture as well. Leverage your company’s employer brand within your job postings to increase their SEO weight and improve rankings.

Boosting Productivity with Self-Predictive Analytics and Social Media

image_05What Is Self-Predictive Analytics?

By analyzing known facts, predictive analytics makes assumptions about future events. Self-predictive analytics technology utilizes your company’s internal data to learn from your company’s experience and produce a predictive score for the organizational elements examined. Based on those scores, an organization can use that internal business intelligence to increase productivity.

Predictive analytics is much more than a data summary. The technology predicts future outcomes by finding relationships among variables from both inside the organization and data from outside. In the insurance industry, for example, a direct correlation was discovered between credit scores and auto claims — variables both internal and external to the industry. Exploring those relationships can increase a recruiter’s chances of identifying and targeting the right people for the job, even if they haven’t actually applied.

What Does Social Media Bring to the Table?

When you add the mining of social media to the mix, you’ve moved from predicting your organization’s productivity and performance to predicting changes in job-seeking behavior, the causes, locations and many other actionable analytics. Data is collected, analyzed for relationships and integrated as a component of predictive intelligence. With the right technology, you can turn an overwhelming amount of raw social media data into a sensor network that provides insights to help with workforce planning, talent attraction and employee attrition.

By mining social media data, businesses are provided with unfiltered conversations about not only their own brand but their competitors as well. Sentiment analysis technology sorts social mentions as positive, negative or neutral. These insights can be invaluable to a company’s brand and reputation among potential job candidates.

What Are the Applications of Predictive Analytics and Social Media?

Predictive analytics may be new to the recruiting sector, but weather forecasters, marketers and insurers have been using it for years. Analytics are superior to HR metrics, which can only tell you about the past. Analytics take into account all the data to reveal trends and patterns for future use.

In the competitive world of talent management, analytics provide your organization with a quantifiable advantage in both talent management and business decisions.


Using Technology to Streamline Your Interview Procedures

image_018The interview is one of the most vital elements of the hiring process, and no new applicant should be signed without a face-to-face meeting. However, the traditional route of several office interviews is not the most time-effective or cost-effective option for a business. The following are key ways that technology can help to streamline your interview procedures.

Invest in Recruitment Software

According to Josh Gerbin, a writer for Forbes, corporate recruiting software is now a $1.5 billion industry [1]. That is because recruitment software can be an effective way to handle hundreds or even thousands of resumes without getting overwhelmed. Resumes and applications from sites like LinkedIn, Indeed.com and other similar job-hunt websites are automatically organized through the software, which highlights top candidates you should focus on. It also eliminates applicants who do not meet the minimum hiring requirements. Recruitment software is a departure from the idea of networking, but it is an exceptional way to pinpoint candidates who qualify for a video or in-person interview for the job.

One-Sided Video Interviews

Video interviews conducted over platforms like Skype are certainly not new in the recruitment industry. However, taking it one step further is the idea of a one-sided video interview [2]. Interviewers can send out an email with video questions of their choice. Then, the applicants who receive the email can respond with their recorded answers. This lets both parties conduct their interview when it best fits into their schedule and eliminates the problem of a poor or inconsistent Internet connection on either side.

Applicant Tracking Systems Ensure OFCCP Compliance

For companies large and small, a major concern is meeting hiring guidelines set by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance, a subset of the Department of Labor [3]. In order to guarantee equal opportunity employment, interviewers need to stick with the same questions from applicant to applicant. Rather than maintaining piles of paperwork and checklists for each person that steps into the office, an applicant tracking system helps you see which information has been gathered, which questions were asked and whether you are following federal regulations throughout the interview process.


[1] http://www.forbes.com/sites/joshbersin/2014/05/06/workday-recruiting-will-it-disrupt-the-talent-acquisition-software-market/

[2] http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2012/10/04/how-to-master-a-one-way-interview

[3] http://www.dol.gov/ofccp/

Which is the Most Powerful Recruitment Tool in 2014: Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn?

image_14When it comes to staffing your business, the Internet provides many avenues for finding qualified professionals. Social media has become a prominent method of attracting possible future employees. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn all have their individual benefits and drawbacks. Which one is the most powerful recruitment tool for you?


A Facebook profile is a great way to keep consumers connected to your business through status updates. It’s also a great platform for connecting to specific individuals through advertising. Facebook allows you to fine-tune who sees a job announcement ad based on specific criteria such as location. While this may cost you a bit more, it can be valuable in the search for specific individuals.

As much as 83 percent of active job-seekers use Facebook. [1] This social hub is the second most accessed website in the world.


When it comes to sharing messages and tidbits of information with a large audience, Twitter is an excellent tool. With a simple hashtag targeting those looking for employment, you can reach thousands of potential candidates almost instantly. The downside to using Twitter is that your message can quickly become buried as other people join the conversation, making your Tweet less effective. Supported advertising may still be a viable option for recruitment to keep these messages on top of other conversations.

In 2014, 54 percent of recruiters utilized Twitter to find candidates [2]. As there are 560 million active users, the outreach for recruitment is significant.


Although it’s not as popular of a social media outlet as the previous two, LinkedIn was developed to connect professionals together. Businesses can post job openings while searching for candidates that fit specific criteria. The most significant disadvantage of this social hub is that it isn’t as popular and thus provides fewer potential candidates. However, the site has grown consistently each year and may be worth your time.

Although LinkedIn has only 240 million active users as of the beginning of 2014, the level of professionalism is much higher. Currently, 89 percent of recruiters have hired someone from this professional social network, and the site continues to grow [3].

Each of these methods can attract candidates for employment. Success of the process may rely more on strategies and your organization’s use of each social outlet, and you should determine what’s easier for you to implement. What works well for one company may not have the same impact for another.


[1] https://careershift.com/blog/2014/03/how-to-really-use-social-media-to-get-a-job/

[2] http://employerblog.looksharp.co/social-media-recruiting-using-twitter-find-diverse-professionals/

[3] https://www.recruiter.com/i/attention-candidates-how-to-get-in-the-digital-game/

How Search Engine Optimization on Career Websites and Job Postings Can Help Bring in the Right Candidates

image_30With so many candidates applying for each job opening, it is important to take the time to optimize career websites and job postings in order to attract the best candidates. Instead of using general terms or generic attributes, search engine optimization can help big companies recruit top talent with specific skills and knowledge.

Determining a Strategy

Different recruiting websites, social networking forums and job posting pages attract different types of job seekers. Content should be optimized based on where it will be posted. Overall, every posting or recruitment blog should direct internet traffic to the company’s home page where candidates apply for the position.

Focusing on Keywords

The right keywords and combinations of keywords are essential in optimizing a job listing or career website. Firms looking for statistical analysis experts might use terms such as SPSS, SAS, logistic regression, business analysis, database analyst, data analyst and data analysis all within the same posting. Thus, instead of attracting candidates with only a rudimentary skill set in analyzing databases, people with these specific skills will be directed to the posting when searching for jobs. Optimizing the listing for the most common search engines such as Google and Bing also helps to ensure that the right candidates will take notice of the opening.

Honing the List of Candidate Requirements

It is best to avoid listing soft skill attributes in online job postings and career websites. Instead of including words such as teamwork or productivity, pin down exactly what is required of the candidate. Be sure to include common abbreviations of keywords as well. A company looking for candidates holding a Masters in Health Administration might also include “MHA” and terms like health administration, health administrator and human services administrator. To optimize for the most important skills and attributes in a candidate, include the keyword multiple times and in multiple formats. Use the keyword in the title of the posting as well.

Workforce Planning’s Contributions to Organizational Success

image_19A business’s success is determined by managing resources effectively. How a company recruits, trains, retains and manages its employees has an impact on its overall success. Having a workforce plan in place is important in ensuring that the business can remain competitive in an aggressive market.

Workforce planning is often overlooked in many businesses but should always be implemented. It is a challenging and complex process for any company in the business world, but it is vital for running a successful business. Today, factors that can affect workplace planning include trends in demographics, technology and policy. Effective planning helps the company operate in the current business climate in such a way that future issues and trends can be analyzed and predicted.

Forecasting the need for future employment is a must. To make a prediction, there first has be a solid understanding of the corporate strategy and where the business is headed. Because of unexpected changes in workforce, it is difficult to predict the exact number of employees that will be needed, but it is a good starting point.

It is important to develop a comprehensive analysis of gaps in workforce competencies in order to address them. Identifying and resolving internal and external problems that are weakening business operation can help save your business time and money.

Strategic plans for overcoming workforce issues can include training, restructuring, contracting out, succession planning or technological advancements. Once a plan is implemented, the results should be reviewed and monitored. The plan should be communicated effectively, and everyone should understand their roles. If the implemented strategy is proving to be ineffective, it should be reevaluated and adjusted.

Workforce planning addresses problems and solutions in the long run to save time, money and effort. Planning ahead may benefit your business in many unexpected ways and help your company grow.

Recruiting Industry Trends That Should Have Your Attention

image_17Are you looking to sharpen your talent-hunting skills? To stay competitive in today’s market, keep up with how technology affects candidate job hunts and widen your search umbrella to as many corners as you can. Take your cues from big brand HR and diversify your hiring techniques with the biggest industry trends.

Going Mobile

A 2014 survey by LinkedIn found that 72 percent of working professionals visited a company’s career page using a mobile device [1]. Whether you utilize apps or a mobile-optimized website, mobile has become essential for keeping tabs on the talent pool.

Adding Analytics to Your Toolkit

Choosing from a pool of candidates can be a challenge, but big data analytics can help alleviate some of the burden. By scrutinizing trends, successes and failures, analytics provides guiding insights into your team-building decisions. One Accenture survey found that business reliance on analytics has tripled since 2009 [2].

Aggressive Sourcing and Branding

Experts agree that aggressive sourcing is becoming a driving force in recruiting. Reaching out to “passive” talent is as important as seeking active candidates. In turn, strong branding and company culture is essential for luring talent away from its source. As Susan Strayer LaMotte, founder of branding consulting firm Exaqueo, told Monster, “You have to focus on what’s yours — what makes your company great that’s different from everyone else [3].”

The Power of the Blog

Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are merely the basics of social media recruiting. Young talent appreciates the authenticity of an employee-run blog, the creativity of a well-composed YouTube video and the wit of Tumblr posts. Create your own content to promote via social media and harvest talent from intrigued followers.

Anticipatory Hires

Widespread technology is forcing companies to evolve faster than ever. Hiring for today’s goals alone will leave you with an outdated team tomorrow. Corporations are taking stock of what lies ahead and grabbing up specialized talent before smaller businesses know they need it.

Big corporations recognize the success of startups and small businesses in today’s market. While they rush to stay ahead, take your cues from their techniques and you will come out on top.


[1] http://talent.linkedin.com/blog/index.php/2014/02/mobile-recruiting-statistics-infographic

[2] http://www.accenture.com/us-en/landing-pages/analytics-in-action/Pages/home.aspx#Infographic

[3] http://www.monster.com/blog/b/small-business-attract-talent-1-brand-0709