Crowdsourcing: Part 1

It’s not your fault: as a business, you’re stuck a in a service mindset. You build social media networks to offer industry insight to your customers and provide them with an exceptional selection of products and services. It’s what staying in business is all about: serving your customer. But by ignoring the larger potential of social media—a vehicle to help you out in the process, you could be missing out on a source of potential marketing and, yes, revenue.

The power of many is the opportunity crowdsourcing provides. Simple stated, crowdsourcing is tapping into a large group of people at once, through the power of the Internet, to help with a question or challenge you’re facing. Companies like Mountain Dew have, in the past, used their social media network to let fans vote on the new look of their brand. Meanwhile, businesses like Kickstarter tap their audiences to raise funds for good causes. Companies have also been known to call on their fans directly for creative talent or to find leads.

At the same time, you want to be smart when it comes to tapping your audiences. Don’t give away more information than you’d like about your current strategy, and don’t reveal clients that would prefer to stay anonymous. And remember—this goes for double if you’re a publically-traded company—never admit you’re in dire need of help. Keep it positive, remain excited for new opportunities that your own personal crowd can bring you, and await (and hopefully receive!) some powerful results.

Signing off for now,

Buyer Advertising

Looking Back

As a professional invested in the marketing of your business, you like to stay informed. Chances are, you check at least a few articles, magazines, or blogs (after all, you’re here, aren’t you?) per month to generate an electric brainstorm of ideas that could propel your advertising strategy forward. Future-minded though you might be, if your nose is pointed directly at what’s to come, you could miss an important source of inspiration: your past.

Your company has enjoyed success. As a matter of fact, to stay in business, that’s a requisite. And it’s exactly those successes that you can turn to in order to drive you forward. Take a trip down memory lane and pull up pieces you’ve done in the past. By actually examining individual projects, they’ll stir up memories—what’s worked, what hasn’t, what goals you had set originally—that can provide the push you need to market your organization more effectively.

Every company is different. Take great notes about what’s worked for your organization—numbers, if you can wrangle them up—and track what strategies or campaigns have been most effective for your business, that what’s pooped out on you. Information often turns into inspiration, positioning you perfectly for the next big idea.

Farewell for now,
Buyer Advertising

An Agency Advantage: Perspective

If you have a favorite book, you know that every time you re-read it, it loses a little bit of punch. A week of your favorite food may send you to Fresh City, hungering for a little variety. Even your favorite song, on loop, will make you feel as if you’re hanging out in an elevator. The truth is, the more familiar material is, the more we become blind to its effects. The same holds true for companies who write and produce their own hiring marketing material.

Whether your hiring campaign is being considered by management, product experts, or internal team members, it’s likely for them to simply assume key benefits and essential elements that just don’t register for someone browsing online or flipping through a magazine. For a business deciding on a hiring strategy, the results could be disastrous.
One great advantage of any agency can deliver is a little perspective. As outsiders, agency professionals immediately engage by considering a message from the viewpoint of an audience. This is such a critical process of attracting new talent—and frankly, communicating any marketing message.

If you’re testing your current employee messaging, ask yourself these questions: Is what I’m saying immediately apparent to my audience? Why should they care about what I’m saying? Is my content too detailed? Not detailed enough? Thinking like a consumer is something agencies are trained to do, and through audience-first perspectives, help you arrive at an optimized brand and hiring strategy that could work wonders for your organization.

Signing off for now,
Buyer Advertising

Top Ten Tips For Successful Personal Branding and Networking

Here are 10 great tips to help tell your story.

1 ) If you are doing something exciting, share it: communicate via LinkedIn, Facebook, or good old conversation.

2 ) Try to set goals for yourself–apart from those of your employer.

3 ) Focus on increasing your network any way that you can (personal, professional, etc.)

4 ) Take the time to evaluate any event before attending–even if attendance is free.

5 ) Find a partner in crime (or advocate).

6 ) Don’t be afraid of starting over. Sometimes it’s easier moving forward with a clean slate.

7 ) When family and career collide, decide which is more important–in the moment.

8 ) Continue to test and evaluate your own personal brand: Google yourself!

9 ) Don’t be afraid to cross the line of conversation from swim meet to sales contact.

10 ) You are your greatest advocate, but if you create a strong reputation in the marketplace and continue to support and maintain friendships and partnerships, others will take the lead. Always repay the compliment, the introduction, etc. to improve your relationships.

– Composed by Jody Robie, Executive Director Business Development at Buyer Advertising

The Logistics of Going Social

You’d love to get in on this social media thing, but you just don’t have the time. With the amount of material to read and digest, and a laundry list of “to-do’s”, it’s easy to keep putting off the bits and parts that make a successful online strategy. Here’s an approach to get you started.

Companies need to take a different route than individuals when establishing themselves on Twitter and Facebook. Not only do you have different setup routes (such as Facebook, where you need to list your company as a business instead of as a person), but you’ll need to include more information. One tip is to collect this data ahead of time. Choose an associate to manage the account. List their email address as the primary holder. Collect the following snippets: your organization’s contact information, your physical address, your telephone number, your blog address (if you have one), hours of business, and a brand image to display. You’ll need this when setting up a Facebook account, and you can even elect to use some of this in your Twitter account, too. Launching a complete social media profile helps to avoid being mis-categorized for a few days by popular search engines, and allows you to begin producing meaningful content immediately.

Once you’re set up, decide on an updating strategy. And you do want to update. Not only is social media a great way to maintain SEO and draw in customers, it’s an opportunity to promote content and change your voice, even stepping away from the traditional brand of your own product. Social media provides a chance to re-invent yourself with a fresh voice, and that’s a project few organizations can afford to pass up.

Signing off for now,

Buyer Advertising

Do Your Online and Offline Brands Get Along?

As an established company, you recognize the importance of your brand. More than just a marketing tool, your brand has established itself as a platform for potential customers to remember and interact with your staff, learn more about your organization, and infuse real emotion into the services you provide. But when businesses flesh out their online presence, brands all too often make a shift too. And it’s no wonder. With completely separate sets of tools that build out your identity online and offline, it’s easy to get the message confused. Here’s a short checklist to see if your two brands are working in unison—or if they’re duking it out for your customers’ attention.

Graphic treatment. You obviously want your mark to live in offline and online media—don’t forget to include it prominently on your website. In addition, keep your color palette similar so incoming customers can recognize your business from your “IRL” brand.

Voice of your content. Your copy isn’t just a means of disseminating information, it’s your attitude. Is your tone professional yet edgy? Hip and young and full of energy? Keep your voice consistent across all media.

Your message. You have a value proposition, and whether your customers are streaming in from the World Wide Web or you’re reaching them through radio and TV, that doesn’t change. So don’t change what you want to say. Abbreviate your content for the Web, by all means, but stay on target for maximum results.

Your Two Brands: Part 2

Last week, we had the chance to discuss your two brands: your company and your employer brand. This week, we’d like to unpack it all and offer some practical advice for moving forward developing your reputation as an employer.

After reading our last entry (you did read it, didn’t you?), you understand the importance of developing your employer brand. Let the information you gathered from your research step help direct your advertising and marketing recruitment efforts. If you have dissatisfied workers in your ranks, launch employee rewards programs, incentive programs, and specialized internal advertising to bolster the sagging morale. Likewise, if people just don’t know much about you as an employer, that’s an indication to hit the magazines with some advertising, start a social media presence on sites like Facebook and Twitter, and use other media to get the word out about why working at your organization is a great idea.

In any case, take the time to develop tangible assets like your Employee Value Proposition. And plan, plan, plan. That’s why experts like us at Buyer Advertising exist—to maximize the effectiveness of your employer brand and deliver the talent needed to make your business succeed.

Until next time,

Your Two Brands: Part 1

As a successful organization, you know the value of your brand. It connects customers with your services, instills a sense of confidence in buyers, and finds a home in the brains of your target audience. It’s the buzz surrounding your business. But, as you’ve probably deduced from this title, we’re talking about two brands. The second being, of course, your employer brand.

How you represent yourselves to employees-to-be is very relevant to the success of your business. That’s because as you recruit talented people, your overall expertise and capabilities grow along with your employee pool. Your two brands don’t exist in a vacuum. There is always cross-contamination—for the better or worse. One example is Google—a fun, ultra-modern, Internet-savvy brand has since paved the way to an exceptional employee brand.

Even still, building an effective employee brand takes special attention. When it comes to your employer brand, take the time to get to know yourself. Conduct polls both inside your organization and outside to accurately gauge where you stand. From there, you can build a campaign that’s specific to hiring top talent—maximizing your advertising dollars spent. At Buyer Advertising, we recognize the critical importance of an employer brand, and in many cases, work specifically towards redefining that aspect of your company.

Tune in next week for more tips on building your employer brand!

Make Mobile Marketing Work for You

If you’ve picked up a cell phone in the last 24 hours, then you’re a potential segment to be tapped by mobile marketing. Studies such as a survey by M-Metrics suggest that SMS response rates are in excess of 15%. That means when customers are texting, if clients are talking, there’s an opportunity to gain new business.

Unlike traditional mediums, the most important thing to remember about mobile marketing is this: it’s not a single market channel. There’s a whole micro-universe of utilities and mediums tied in with the mobile world. Here are a few methods to plug into this opportunity-to-be.

Direct texting. Also known as SMS, this field aims to gain customers by sending out a bulk text messages to consumers. The challenge, of course, is advertising responsibly. The best way to achieve a nice response rate is messaging only to customers who express an interest in your organization, or who indicate a wish to be alerted with job openings, contests, or any special promotions you offer.

Gaming. Once only a niche market for Tetris-heads to get their fix, gaming on mobile communication devices has gone mainstream. With the advent of the iPhone, and now the hot-off-the-shelves iPad, the casual consumer has opened up to mobile gaming. Advertising opportunities within these markets include specialty games themed off a company itself (Pizza Hut’s “Pizza Builder”), or advertisements placed cleverly within the virtual world (games like MapleStory and derivatives).

Viral video. Whether you’ve developed a catchy commercial or something bizarre enough to spread like wildfire, a mobile medium could work wonders. Thanks to generous storage capacities on new mobile phone devices, videos can be sent and stored entirely on individual devices—meaning there’s plenty of room to spread the next big viral wonder.

We’re Buyer Advertising. Nice to Meet You.

Where to start? The past few years have dropped huge changes onto our laps: major alterations to the way humans consume information, rumblings of economic uncertainty, and the coronation of social media. But no matter the ups and downs, this much is true: a brand remains the bread and butter of your company. A successful recruitment strategy is the engine behind success.

That’s where Buyer Advertising shines. For decades now (we came together in 1966, FYI), we’ve seen first-hand what brilliant marketing can achieve. What works? Bold approaches backed by innovative brainstorming. What doesn’t? Aimlessly firing shots off the port bow. That’s why we back up our portfolio of services with research. Every strategy we develop is fueled by extraordinary effort, innovative social media tools (such as this blog!), and good, old-fashioned elbow grease and burning the midnight oil. That’s a trade secret—don’t tell anyone, okay?

This space shall be our canvas for sketching out our thoughts on marketing trends, a place to scoop the latest buzz in recruitment advertising, and a portal to the inner-workings of our offices. Watch it! Join the movement. You’ll find us here, ready to lead the way:

Until next time,
Your friends at Buyer Advertising